Adrenaline functions to raise blood sugar levels when the brain senses energy starvation. That energy is Biological Energy called (ATP) . It is essential in the production of the feel good neurotransmitters , just like any engine that needs energy to activate its machinery.
Biological energy is derived from the sugars we eat in food. It is converted to energy. When a person suffers from Insulin Resistance , it means that he/she is not absorbing and converting sugars into energy, despite the fact that blood sugar may be abnormally high or unstable. Insulin resistance leads either to hypoglycemia or diabetes. Therefore a person with abnormal blood sugar levels cannot have good control over his energy levels and may lose the plot, when emotionally aroused.
Treatment for hypoglycemia includes Bioresonance therapy as well as adoption of a hypoglycemic diet which aims at normalizing blood sugar levels, thereby normalizing stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, that are thought to be responsible for the symptoms of mood-swings, depression, anxiety, phobias, alcoholism and drug-addiction. Such a diet needs to be adjusted to the individual need and nutritional biochemistry, and needs to take into account the influence of allergies but usually consists of:
- Avoidance of sugar, coffee, strong tea, nicotine if possible, refined carbohydrates
- High protein + complex carbohydrates snacks every three hours or sooner, to provide a slow release of glucose, and to prevent the hypoglycemic dip.
- Supplementation of diet with Anti-stress vitamin B-Complex tablets
- Other supplements that could slow down the absorption of glucose, thereby avoiding blood sugar peaks and the release of stress hormones.
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