Bioresonance therapy has been in use for the past 70 years. A well-recognized and standard use is to enhance the healing of nonunion fractures. It also has been claimed that this therapy is effective in treating osteoarthritis, migraine headaches, multiple sclerosis, and sleep disorders. Some animal and cell culture studies have been conducted to elucidate the basic mechanism of the bioresonance therapy effect, such as cell proliferation and cell-surface binding for growth factors.
Bioresonance therapy is based on the scientific principle that metabolism within cells is influenced by one's electromagnetic field. Each cell has its own pattern of resonating frequencies necessary to maintain the vitality of the whole organism whether it is a person, plant, or animal.
Everything has its own unique "signature" frequency. A toxin, for example, entering the body, has a signature frequency the body cannot resonate with, thus the toxin interferes with the body's frequency patterns, creating disharmony, which negatively affects the body's functions and homeostasis. Body cells communicate with each other via signature frequencies and a person is considered healthy as long as the communication remains unimpaired by disharmonic. Bioresonance therapy is about restoring harmonic frequencies so one can achieve the desired level of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and wellness.
- antiviral
- analgesic - natural pain relief
- antiphlogistic - reduces inflammation
- blood vessel relaxing - helps reduce blood pressure
- increasing p02 - increases oxygen pressure level
- antineuralgic - reduces nerve pain
- sedative - improves deep sleep
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