Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Energy Medicine

Bioresonance is the field of Energy Medicine that detects and works with electromagnetic frequency information generated by the body. 'Bio' refers to a living organism and 'resonance' means to vibrate in harmony with.
It has been shown that cells generate tiny electrical impulses that migrate through their membrane pores and interact or communicate with neighbouring cells. Cells continually emit and respond to these signals. These signals are in the form of oscillations or vibrations and the oscillation pattern had been found to differ between a healthy person and a sick person. Also, oscillations from foreign substances stored in the body such as bacteria toxins etc. also have a different structure to that of healthy cells.
All cells in the body emit minute electrical signals and these signals are used as a means of communication between cells. If a cell is in good health, its signal will be harmonious and resonate in a free manner with other cells in the body.
If pathogens (toxin, virus, parasites etc.) attacks a cell, then the signal coming from the cell becomes distorted.
Cells resonate with the externally applied magnetic field frequencies and correct themselves.

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